Ovoid seagrass in deep waterShort descriptionDeep subtidal seagrass meadows dominated by seagrasses with an ovoid growth form. Disclaimer: Ecosystem type descriptions are based on biophysical attributes identified in Central Queensland through expert advice and supported by scientific literature. Not all ecosystem types are mapped based on current inventory, and many of the ecosystems described here may also occur in other parts of Queensland.
Classification categoriesSelect from the links below to view related ecosystem type categories Long descriptionDeep (greater than 10 metres and potentially to 35m) subtidal seagrass meadows dominated by seagrasses with an ovoid growth, mostly Halophila ovalis but also Halophila capricorni, Halophila decipiens (fern-like, see type 50) and Halophila minor. These species have high tolerance to low light in deep water but growth is intermittent, recurrence in deeper water, and patchy spatially and temporally. They are able to grow in lower light conditions due to their lower biomass and associated lower respiratory and photosynthetic demands[20]. Seagrasses are not a taxonomically unified group, but rather an ecological group that arose through convergent evolution and includes several different families. They are all flowering plants that live underwater and need light to photosynthesise. They also produce seeds. They grow on muds, sands and fine gravels which may be mobile. Meadows may include other Structural macrobiota such as encrusting algae, erect macrophyte algae, bryozoans, sponges and molluscs (e.g. bivalves, cockles, whelks, razor clam beds), together with mobile invertebrate fauna such as sea cucumbers, crabs (e.g. commercial sand crabs and other portunids) and polychaete worms. Special valuesSeagrasses provide a wide range of services, including:
The fisheries value of seagrass habitat as nursery grounds for juvenile commercial fish and prawn species in Queensland is well documented[15][19]. Not only do seagrass provide habitat for fish, but the proximity of seagrass meadows to other ecosystems (mangroves, coral reefs) increases their abundance in these ecosystems[6][13]. Seagrass meadows, particularly those containing H. uninervis and H. ovalis, provide food for dugong[18] and green sea turtles[9]. Dugongs feed mostly on the roots of mostly H. uninervis whereas green turtles tend to graze the leaves of mostly H. ovalis. Halodule uninervis[18] and H. ovalis[14] are reported to be the most nutritious seagrasses due to high nitrogen and starch content. Grazing of H. uninervis and H. ovalis has been shown to increase production of a nitrogen-rich standing crop[14][1][9]. Deep water seagrasses provide feeding habitat for dugong and potentially a refuge if nearshore seagrasses are impacted by runoff etc. In Western Australia, deep water meadows provide dugong habitat with evidence of long deep dives to feed on rhizomes with high nutrient content. Long, deep dives may be more costly in time and energy than the shorter dives characteristic of feeding in shallow water. Potentially deep water seagrasses provide a refugia for dugong feeding when shallow nearshore seagrasses are impacted by flood runoff[18]. Preferential grazing of H. ovalis can prevent the expansion of the often dominant Zostera muelleri and increase the abundance of the H. ovalis (i.e. cultivation grazing)[14]. Diagnostic attributesInundation 'Subtidal' Structural macrobiota 'Ovoid seagrass' Benthic depth 'Deep (10-30m)' Note that seagrasses can grow to 35m depth in clear waters (McKenzie pers. Comm.) QualifiersSeagrass ecosystems vary in Period and Trend (seasonally and from year to year). The species composition, extent and biomass of seagrass meadows can vary seasonally and between years and deepwater seagrasses are highly intermittent (subject to water clarity). The extent and biomass of seagrass meadows along the Queensland east coast are typically maximal in late spring and summer, and minimal over winter[2][5][17]. Distribution Seagrass meadows grow throughout the world’s coastal waters, with large areas along Queensland’s coastline. Approximately 58 species of seagrass have been recorded across the globe with about 30 recorded in Australian waters and at least 15 in Queensland (SeagrassWatch Halophila spp. are early colonisers and often found in areas subject to disturbance, such as the receiving waters of runoff from built up areas along the Queensland coastline. Colonising species typically have fast shoot turnover, short lifespan, fast sexual maturation and development of a (dormant) seed bank. They have low physiological resistance to disturbance but a rapid ability to recover. The following relates to distribution of this ecosystem type within the Central Queensland mapping area:
Comments Other relevant attributes include Water clarity, Sediment texture, and Trace elements, together with Energy magnitude, Energy source (wave) and Freshwater volume however deeper seagrass tend to be less influenced by energy and freshwater except in a severe storm. Seagrasses need light to be able to photosynthesise and turbid water inhibits light penetration, thus the Benthic depth that light can penetrate is a major control. Severe storms (cyclones), and/or high rainfall, river discharge and the associated low Water clarity and high concentrations of nutrients and other potential contaminants, and sediment deposition leads to seagrass loss (see SeagrassWatch annual reports Water temperature is also relevant. Marine heatwaves can also negatively impact seagrass meadows[4][11]. Deep meadows are generally less susceptible to temperature than intertidal and shallow seagrasses[7]. Mapping represents locations where seagrass has been recorded at some point in time, and therefore locations where seagrass may grow now or in the future providing environmental conditions are suitable (e.g. wave action, Water clarity, Sediment stability, Temperature and Trace elements (the presence of nutrients and other potential contaminants)). Additional InformationSeagrass - Queensland Government Seagrass (Case study: Hervey Bay seagrass and dugong) - Queensland Government Saltmarshes, seagrasses and algae - Queensland Department of Primary Industries Seagrasses in Queensland (pamphlet) Seagrass - Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation References
Last updated: 22 July 2019 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2019) Ovoid seagrass in deep water, WetlandInfo website, accessed 13 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/ecology/aquatic-ecosystems-natural/estuarine-marine/descriptions/46/ |