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Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Queensland – spatial metadata

View areas of this type

Data structure


Field name Type Bytes Label Description
AreaID Text (UTF-8 encoded) 10 AreaID The unique identifier used in WetlandSummary
Name Text (UTF-8 encoded) 10 Name The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, excluding the area type
FullName Text (UTF-8 encoded) 10 Full name The name of the area used in WetlandSummary, including the area type
Wetlands Text (UTF-8 encoded) 66 Wetland summary information The URL of the WetlandSummary page of this area
KML Text (UTF-8 encoded) 95 KML The URL of a simplified KML file depicting this area
TotalArea Double (8 byte floating point) 8 Area (km²) The total area in km²
FEAT_CODE Text (UTF-8 encoded) 18 FEAT_CODE
STATE_CODE Short (2 byte integer) 2 STATE_CODE
STATE_DESC Text (UTF-8 encoded) 3 STATE_DESC
PLAN_ACC Short (2 byte integer) 2 PLAN_ACC
ELEV_ACC Short (2 byte integer) 2 ELEV_ACC
EDITION Short (2 byte integer) 2 EDITION
AUTHORITY Short (2 byte integer) 2 AUTHORITY


The Queensland layer used by WetlandSummary is based on the source layers below, with the following modifications:

  • Name is "Queensland", only a single area of this type
  • Excluded feature with FEAT_CODE="sea"
  • Excluded a total of 1 feature by filtering
  • Combined 2,158 source features into a single Queensland
  • Excluded source field ISLAND_NAM because it has too many different values in its dissolved source features (text length 12219 > 254)
  • Excluded source field GROUP_NAME because it has too many different values in its dissolved source features (text length 1913 > 254)
  • Excluded source field Q_INFO because it has too many different values in its dissolved source features (text length 1010 > 254)
  • Excluded source field UFI because it has too many different values in its dissolved source features (text length 25896 > 254)
  • Excluded source field FEAT_REL because it is a non-string attribute that had different values in its dissolved source features
  • Excluded source field MAPNO because it is a non-string attribute that had different values in its dissolved source features

Source layer: State boundary polygons 100000 - Queensland


Creation Date
Creation Time
Modification Date
Modification Time
Data Id Info
Id Citation
State boundary polygons 100000 - Queensland
Publication date
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
Contact—organization name
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Contact—position name
Executive Director, Land and Spatial Information
details available on request
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
DNRME, NR, LSI, TDIM, MAN Topographic Data Management
Contact—organization name
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Contact—position name
Manager Topographic Data Management, Topographic Data, Imagery and Mapping, Land and Spatial Information
details available on request
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
DNRME, NR, LSI, TDIM, MAN Topographic Data Management
Contact—organization name
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Contact—position name
Manager Topographic Data Management, Topographic Data, Imagery and Mapping, Land and Spatial Information
details available on request
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
GeoScience Australia
Contact—organization name
GeoScience Australia (formerly AUSLIG)
Contact—position name
Director, Sales and Distribution, CIMA
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
details available on request
Cit Resp Party
Contact—individual name
DNRME, Trevor Eastley
Contact—organization name
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Contact—position name
Senior Spatial Information Officer
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
details available on request
Additional human language abstract/description

QLD_STATEBDY_100K_A contains a polygon representation of Queenslands coastline, and State and Territory borders.

Theme Keys
Thesa Name
ANZLIC Search Words
Publication date
BOUNDARIES Administrative Mapping
MARINE Coasts Mapping
Theme Keys
Thesa Name
Common Search Terms
Publication date
Res Const
Leg Consts
Security use limitations
The Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)
Res Const
Leg Consts
Security use limitations
This material is licensed under a
Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0 International

Geoscience Australia requests attribution in the following manner:

© The Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2018.
Res Const
Sec Consts
Explanation of restrictions or prerequisites
Unrestricted to all levels of government and community. Data is available to all government agencies, community groups and individuals. Dataset is available through physical supply and may be made available via web delivery tools, for example, through DNRME's internet sites. All enquiries from persons outside DNRME should be directed to Geoscience Australia.
Res Const
Security use limitations

Reference to data source to be provided on all products produced using this data.

Id Po C
Contact—individual name
GeoScience Australia
Contact—organization name
GeoScience Australia (formerly AUSLIG)
Contact—position name
Director, Sales and Distribution, CIMA
details available on request
Rp Cnt Info
Cnt Address
Contact email address
Dq Info
Data Lineage
Lineage statement, a general explanation
QLD_STATEBDY_100K_POLY sourced from AUSLIG GEODATA COAST-100K. The coastline component of GEODATA COAST-100K is primarily sourced from the 1:100,000 scale National Topographic Map series produced by AUSLIG. The positions of state and Territory borders were mainly derived from survey coordinate data and the 1:100,000 scale topographic series. NOTE: The use of survey data in GEODATA COAST-100K does not imply that the data are suitable for any legal interpretation of State/Territory borders. See AUSLIG Metadata for further information.
Data quality report, measure description
For the COAST-100K product, completeness was tested by overlaying symbolised plots of the data on the source material and carrying out a visual comparison.
Data quality report, measure description
For the COAST-100K product, logical consistency is a measure of the degree to which data complies with the technical specifications. The data were tested using a mixture of UNIX scripts and ARC/INFO commands which were independent of the production system. Graphical tests were used to check such things as intersections, polygon closure, minimum size of polygons and topological relationships. A full description of the checks on the data, the test procedure, test sample size and the allowable error are provided in the COAST-100K Data User Guide supplied with the data. The primary data source has been NTMS 1:100 000 scale map production material, with supplied survey coordinates from relevant State authorities. Only features listed in the COAST-100K data dictionary have been captured from the map source material.
Data quality report, measure description
For the COAST-100K product, data complies with the following statement of horizontal accuracy: "The summation of errors from all sources results in data with a standard deviation of 50 metres for well defined points". Alternative and equal ways of expressing this error are: Not more than 10% of well-defined points are in error by more than 80 metres; and In the worst case, a well defined point is out of position by 150 metres.
Data quality report, measure description
For the COAST-100K product, attribute accuracy is a measure of the degree to which the attribute values of features agree with the information on the source material. The allowable error in attribute accuracy ranges from 0.5% to 5%, at a 99% confidence level. Where less than 1% of attribute errors are permissible the entire population is tested. Where a less stringent limit is set for allowable errors a random subset of the relevant features in the tile is generally tested. The sample size is determined from statistical tables using the known population size of the relevant feature. A full description of the checks on the data, the test sample size and the allowable error are provided in the COAST-100K Data User Guide supplied with the data.
Entity and Attribute Information
details available on request

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (n.d.) Queensland – spatial metadata, WetlandInfo website, accessed 14 March 2025. Available at: