Australian River Assessment System (AusRivAS) Geoassessment: Physical & ChemicalSearch fieldsDescription and method logicMethod purposeThe purpose of the AusRivAS Geoassessment: Physical & Chemical methodology (physical assessment) is to assess and predict river habitat condition from a national to local level SummaryThis protocol is a standardised rapid method for the collection of geomorphological, physical habitat, riparian and basic water quality data. It can be used to assess the physical condition of rivers and streams and to predict the local scale habitat features that should be present at a site. Method logicThe AusRivAS physical assessment method incorporates aspects of several existing physical assessment methods into a method that can be implemented to construct AusRivAS style predictive models. Predictive models are typically derived from the AusRivAS macroinvertebrate models. Physical, chemical and habitat information collected from reference sites is used to construct the predictive models, which are then used to assess the condition of test sites. Large scale catchment characteristics are used to predict local scale features. The physical assessment protocol doesn’t provide prescribed predictive measures, but contains the provisions and datasheets for various measures of physical habitat. Criteria groupings of the methodAusRivAS physical criteria are based on Habitat Predictive Modelling with sampling design, data collection and analytical components from other stream assessment methods i.e. AusRivAS freshwater biological monitoring. Large scale catchment characteristics are used to predict local scale features. The physical chemical criteria are grouped under control and response categories Data requiredCatchment and local scale physical, chemical and habitat variables measured using standardised methods for reference and test sites. Resources requiredExpertise requiredThis methodology requires trained operators in field survey, laboratory techniques, assessment and database management. Materials requiredField sheets, dedicated database, water quality sampling and habitat assessment equipment, access to a laboratory for water quality analysis, the AusRivAS model. Method outputsOutputs
Criteria by category
Physical and chemicalReviewRecommended userThe results would be useful to catchment managers, natural resource managers and government agencies. Strengths
Case studiesLinks
Last updated: 7 February 2019 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2019) Australian River Assessment System (AusRivAS) Geoassessment: Physical & Chemical, WetlandInfo website, accessed 14 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/assessment-search-tool/australian-river-assessment-system-ausrivas-geoassessment-physical-chemical/ |