Ecological values and levels of protection of Queensland estuariesSearch fieldsDescription and method logicMethod purposeThis methodology brings together a number of disparate datasets on the physical and biological values of Queensland estuaries, assesses their ecological value, international and national significance and levels of protection. SummaryThis assessment makes use of available broadscales datasets and assignes ecological value based on the level of protection, representativeness, international and national significance, habitat diveristy and naturalness and water area. Method logicIt uses the criteria identified by Dunn (2000) for high ecological value rivers and applies them to the 312 Queensland estuaries identified in OzCoasts. Data from OzCoasts and the Australian Natural Resources Atlas are then used to give a standardised score for each criterion. The criterion scores are not combined. Criteria groupings of the method
The criteria used are:
Data requiredState-wide spatial datasets for estuary location, water area, naturalness, habitat diversity, International/national significance, representativeness, level of protection. Resources requiredExpertise requiredGIS expertise and ecological knowledge. Materials requiredState-wide spatial datasets for estuary location, water area, naturalness, habitat diversity, International/national significance, representativeness, level of protection, GIS capability. Method outputsOutputs
Criteria by category
Physical and chemicalManagement and planningSignificanceReviewRecommended userNatural resource managers, environmental planners, marine planners. Strengths
Case studies(not documented) LinksReferences
Last updated: 7 February 2019 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2019) Ecological values and levels of protection of Queensland estuaries, WetlandInfo website, accessed 14 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/assessment-search-tool/ecological-values-and-levels-of-protection-of-queensland-estuaries/ |