Wetland Prioritisation Decision Support System (DSS) Great Barrier Reef CatchmentSearch fieldsDescription and method logicMethod purposeTo strategically prioritise wetlands for investment. The DSS operates at two scales. The primary DSS prioritises wetland aggregations within the GBR catchments and uses GIS analysis methods to priroritise existing catchment scale datasets. The secondary DDS is used to prioritise individual wetlands using local expert knowledge and GIS analysis. SummaryThe decision support system (DSS) aims to use biophysical, socio-economic, community capacity, threat data and expert consultation to identify high priority wetlands for strategic investment and to achieve greater accountability and transparency in wetland prioritisation. The development of the wetland DSS involved a number of steps including a review of international and national literature and decision support systems, data assessments, data processing and workshopping with nominated experts and stakeholders. The DSS operates at two scales. The primary DSS prioritises wetland aggregations within the GBR catchments and uses GIS analysis methods to priroritise existing catchment scale datasets. The secondary DDS is used to prioritise individual wetlands using local expert knowledge and GIS analysis. Primary and secondary wetland DSS tools have been developed in separate MS Excel workbooks which provide the user with the capacity to view prioritisation results, assign priorities to criteria and, for the secondary DSS, input data for wetland criteria. The Primary and Secondary DDSs were tested at a series of workshops with regional and local decision makers. The results were then interrogated and feedback received for the participants. The DSS and associated reports have been externally peer reviewed and a sensitivity analysis has been undertaken. The DSS could be improved as new data becomes available and as experience grows in using the system. Method logicThe wetland DSS is based on a multi-criteria assessment method to determine wetland priorities and allows different alternative views to be assessed through weighted measurable criteria. Criteria were developed and then assessed and weighted in a series of expert panel and stakeholder workshops. Weighting allowed for value judgements to be made about the criteria and their importance when making a decision. Criteria groupings of the methodWetland values, threats and capacity generated by analysis of available data, current NRM frameworks, wetland types and different decision makers and stakeholders in the GBR catchment. Data required
Resources requiredExpertise requiredFacilitator familiar with use of the DSS and understanding of the criteria, participants with high level of information on the criteria, assumptions and uncertainties. Materials requiredMS Excel workbooks, DSS Primary and Secondary tools, spatial datasets. Method outputsOutputs
Criteria by category
Physical and chemicalEconomicSocio-culturalManagement and planningSignificanceFloraFaunaReviewRecommended userNatural resource managers, including NRM bodies, community groups, government agencies, local government. Strengths
Case studies(not documented) LinksReferences
Last updated: 7 February 2019 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2019) Wetland Prioritisation Decision Support System (DSS) Great Barrier Reef Catchment, WetlandInfo website, accessed 14 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/assessment-search-tool/wetland-prioritisation-decision-support-system-dss-great-barrier-reef-catchment/ |