Caring for Saltwater Country and Fish Habitat - Maroochy River Mangrove Nursery and Re-vegetation Project, Sunshine CoastWebsite/ReportProject leadPartnerships(not documented)
Industries(not documented)
ActivitiesOn-ground work
Case study type(none)
Funding sourceEveryone’s Environment Grants - Round 3
Funding amount$9,930
In-kind contribution(not documented)
Start date(not documented)
End date(not documented)
SummaryThis project aims to re-vegetate areas of eroding riverbank along the Maroochy Estuary by planting 2500 trees. This is a continuation of the Maroochy River Mangrove Nursery Project established in 2009 and provides opportunities for local Kabi Kabi Traditional Owners to assist landowners and stakeholders in mangrove re-vegetation projects. The project will help enhance and link quality fish habitat areas within the Maroochy River through mangrove re-vegetation.
Benefits(not documented)
Lesson(not documented)
Reference IDEEC140267
Last updated: 16 May 2015 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2015) Caring for Saltwater Country and Fish Habitat - Maroochy River Mangrove Nursery and Re-vegetation Project, Sunshine Coast, WetlandInfo website, accessed 18 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/wetland-project/caring-for-saltwater-country-and-fish-habitat-maroochy-river-mangrove-nursery-5eef/ |