Enhancement of pest control program—PoonaWebsite/Report(not documented)
Project leadPartnerships(not documented)
ActivitiesOn-ground work
Case study type(none)
Funding sourceAustralian Government / NRM
Funding amount(not documented)
In-kind contribution(not documented)
Start date15 March 2012
End date31 October 2012
SummaryThis project covers the control of targeted weed species at Poona: guava (Psidium guajava) associated with feral pig control program; lantana (Lantana camara); giant rats tail grass (Sporobolus spp.); siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum); umbrella tree (Schefflera actinophylla); candle bush (Senna alata) and groundsel bush (Baccharis halimifolia).
BenefitsThe project provides an improvement in the stability and populations of native flora and fauna impacted by feral pigs and weeds, and an improvement in the native/natural diversity within ecosystems in the area.
Lesson(not documented)
Reference ID(none)
Last updated: 9 August 2017 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2017) Enhancement of pest control program—Poona, WetlandInfo website, accessed 14 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/wetland-project/enhancement-of-pest-control-program-poona-f2a6/ |