Improving Condition and Connectivity of Riparian Habitat at Darlington: SwanWebsite/Report(not documented)
Project leadPartnershipsAustralian Government (Caring for our Country program)
Scenic Rim Regional Council Landholder Industries(not documented)
ActivitiesOn-ground work
Case study type(none)
Funding sourceCaring for our Country program (Australian Government)
Landholder Funding amount(not documented)
In-kind contribution(not documented)
Start date15 February 2013
End date31 May 2013
This project aims to enhance the condition of riparian and floodplain habitat in the Duck Creek and Upper Albert River sub-catchments. With funding provided through the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country program, and with support from Scenic Rim Regional Council, SEQ Catchments is providing support to grazing landholders to help protect and buffer World Heritage Area vegetation, enhance condition and connectivity of remnant and regrowth native vegetation, and improve soil condition and water quality. This project contributes to the above overall program goals through supporting the landholder to undertake more ecological sustainable land management by improving native vegetation condition, improving stream bank stability and reducing threats caused by weeds.
The riparian zone of this property contains vegetation mapped as remnant blue gum, bottle brush and she-oak fringing forest (RE 12.3.7). This project aims to reduce stress to the riparian area through strategic fencing and undertake re-vegetation of the riparian area. The project will improve connectivity and enhance the condition and connectivity of approximately 1.3ha of remnant vegetation through the following activities:
The landholder is committed to monitoring and the maintenance of project outcomes including:
BenefitsThis project will improve biodiversity in the Duck Creek and Upper Albert River sub-catchments by enhancing the condition and connectivity of Gondwana habitat at Darlington through weed control, stock management and re-vegetation.
Lesson(not documented)
Reference IDSEQC1924
Last updated: 16 May 2015 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2015) Improving Condition and Connectivity of Riparian Habitat at Darlington: Swan, WetlandInfo website, accessed 15 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/wetland-project/improving-condition-and-connectivity-of-riparian-habitat-at-darlington-swan-608d/ |