Management of visitor impacts at Jew hole recreation area, Big Tuan CreekWebsite/Report(not documented)
Project leadPartnershipsForestry Plantations Queensland
ActivitiesOn-ground work
Case study type(none)
Funding sourceAusralian Government / NRM
Funding amount(not documented)
In-kind contribution(not documented)
Start date1 December 2011
End date31 July 2012
The Jew Hole recreation area on Big Tuan Creek is used by fisherman, campers, and day visitors. Camping is not permitted at the site, however this hasn’t been consistently enforced. Big Tuan Creek is a salt water creek which flows into Great Sandy Strait.
Visitor impacts are managed through:
BenefitsMangrove flats, shorebird habitat and riparian vegetation will be protected on the Big Tuan creek from the impacts of off road vehicles, preventing further damage to the stream bank.
Lesson(not documented)
Reference ID(none)
Last updated: 26 July 2017 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2017) Management of visitor impacts at Jew hole recreation area, Big Tuan Creek, WetlandInfo website, accessed 14 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/wetland-project/management-of-visitor-impacts-at-jew-hole-recreation-area-big-tuan-creek-f938/ |