Wide Bay Training Area: weed control at spring fed wetlands site—Kangaroo CreekWebsite/Report(not documented)
Project leadPartnerships(not documented)
ActivitiesOn-ground work
Case study type(none)
Funding sourceAustralian Government/NRM
Funding amount(not documented)
In-kind contribution(not documented)
Start date9 October 2012
End date31 October 2012
SummaryThis project includes the removal of weeds in the Wide Bay Training area of approximately 200ha. The site is bounded by neighbouring residents in Wallu to the south. Tributaries of Kangaroo Creek form the eastern and western bounds. The northern boundary is 'old Carrier track'. Vegetation is highly intact with minimal weed disturbance other than on the southern boundary along the fire access track.
Weeds targeted by the project include groundsel (Declared Class 2 Pest), lantana (Weed of National Significance), pine wildlings, corky passion vine, blue billygoat weed (Ageratum) and molasses grass (Melinius). The local residents are informed via a letter-box drop to reduce further impact by dumping of weeds. Regular monitoring of this site is undertaken by Defence personnel to ensure the weeds do not impact on this highly intact area. BenefitsImproved biodiversity, habitat values of Wide Bay Military Training Area.
Lesson(not documented)
Reference ID(none)
Last updated: 9 October 2017 This page should be cited as: Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2017) Wide Bay Training Area: weed control at spring fed wetlands site—Kangaroo Creek, WetlandInfo website, accessed 14 March 2025. Available at: https://wetlandinfo.des.qld.gov.au/wetlands/resources/tools/wetland-project/wide-bay-training-area-weed-control-at-spring-fed-wetlands-site-kangaroo-creek-6073/ |