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Wildlife of Pidna National Park

Total number of species: 552

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Kingdom Class Family Scientific Name Common Name Superseded NCA EPBC End. Wetland
animals mammals Cervidae Cervus elaphus red deer II
animals mammals Suidae Sus scrofa pig II
animals mammals Leporidae Lepus europaeus European brown hare II
animals mammals Leporidae Oryctolagus cuniculus rabbit II
animals mammals Felidae Felis catus cat II
animals mammals Canidae Canis familiaris dog II
animals mammals Canidae Vulpes vulpes red fox II
animals mammals Muridae Melomys cervinipes fawn-footed melomys C QA
animals mammals Muridae Mus musculus house mouse II
animals mammals Muridae Rattus tunneyi pale field-rat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Chalinolobus gouldii Gould's wattled bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Nyctophilus geoffroyi lesser long-eared bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Nyctophilus gouldi Gould's long-eared bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Phoniscus papuensis golden-tipped bat C QAI
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scoteanax rueppellii greater broad-nosed bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scotorepens greyii little broad-nosed bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scotorepens orion south-eastern broad-nosed bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Scotorepens sp. C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Vespadelus pumilus eastern forest bat C QA
animals mammals Vespertilionidae Vespadelus vulturnus little forest bat C QA
animals mammals Miniopteridae Miniopterus australis little bent-wing bat C QAI
animals mammals Molossidae Austronomus australis white-striped freetail bat C QA
animals mammals Molossidae Mormopterus sp. C QAI
animals mammals Rhinolophidae Rhinolophus megaphyllus eastern horseshoe-bat C QAI
animals mammals Macropodidae Notamacropus dorsalis black-striped wallaby C QA
animals mammals Macropodidae Notamacropus parryi whiptail wallaby C QA
animals mammals Macropodidae Notamacropus rufogriseus red-necked wallaby C QA
animals mammals Macropodidae Petrogale herberti Herbert's rock-wallaby C Q
animals mammals Macropodidae Thylogale stigmatica red-legged pademelon C QAI
animals mammals Macropodidae Thylogale thetis red-necked pademelon C QA
animals mammals Macropodidae Wallabia bicolor swamp wallaby C QA
animals mammals Potoroidae Aepyprymnus rufescens rufous bettong C QA
animals mammals Phalangeridae Trichosurus vulpecula common brushtail possum C QA
animals mammals Pseudocheiridae Petauroides volans volans southern greater glider E E QA
animals mammals Pseudocheiridae Pseudocheirus peregrinus common ringtail possum C QA
animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus norfolcensis squirrel glider C QA
animals mammals Petauridae Petaurus notatus Krefft's glider C QA
animals mammals Phascolarctidae Phascolarctos cinereus koala E E QA
animals mammals Peramelidae Isoodon macrourus northern brown bandicoot C QAI
animals mammals Peramelidae Perameles nasuta long-nosed bandicoot C QA
animals mammals Dasyuridae Dasyurus maculatus maculatus spotted-tailed quoll (southern subspecies) E E QA
animals mammals Tachyglossidae Tachyglossus aculeatus short-beaked echidna SL QAI
animals birds Motacillidae Anthus novaeseelandiae Australasian pipit C QAI
animals birds Passeridae Passer domesticus house sparrow II
animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia modesta plum-headed finch C QA
animals birds Estrildidae Neochmia temporalis red-browed finch C QA
animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia bichenovii double-barred finch C QA
animals birds Estrildidae Taeniopygia guttata zebra finch C QA
animals birds Dicaeidae Dicaeum hirundinaceum mistletoebird C QAI
animals birds Sturnidae Acridotheres tristis common myna II
animals birds Sturnidae Sturnus vulgaris common starling II
animals birds Turdidae Zoothera lunulata Bassian thrush C QA
animals birds Hirundinidae Cheramoeca leucosterna white-backed swallow C QA
animals birds Hirundinidae Hirundo neoxena welcome swallow C QAI
animals birds Hirundinidae Petrochelidon ariel fairy martin C QA
animals birds Zosteropidae Zosterops lateralis silvereye C QAI
animals birds Zosteropidae Zosterops lateralis cornwalli silvereye (eastern) C QA
animals birds Locustellidae Cincloramphus timoriensis tawny grassbird C QAI
animals birds Acrocephalidae Acrocephalus australis Australian reed-warbler C QAI
animals birds Cisticolidae Cisticola exilis golden-headed cisticola C QAI
animals birds Petroicidae Eopsaltria australis eastern yellow robin C QA
animals birds Petroicidae Microeca fascinans jacky winter C QAI
animals birds Paradisaeidae Ptiloris paradiseus paradise riflebird C QA
animals birds Corcoracidae Corcorax melanorhamphos white-winged chough C QA
animals birds Monarchidae Grallina cyanoleuca magpie-lark C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Monarcha melanopsis black-faced monarch SL QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra cyanoleuca satin flycatcher SL QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra inquieta restless flycatcher C QA
animals birds Monarchidae Myiagra rubecula leaden flycatcher C QAI
animals birds Monarchidae Symposiachrus trivirgatus spectacled monarch SL QAI
animals birds Corvidae Corvus coronoides Australian raven C QA
animals birds Corvidae Corvus orru Torresian crow C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura albiscapa grey fantail C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura leucophrys willie wagtail C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura leucophrys leucophrys willie wagtail (southern) C QAI
animals birds Rhipiduridae Rhipidura rufifrons rufous fantail SL QAI
animals birds Dicruridae Dicrurus bracteatus spangled drongo C QAI
animals birds Dicruridae Dicrurus bracteatus bracteatus spangled drongo (eastern Australia) C QAI
animals birds Artamidae Cracticus nigrogularis pied butcherbird C QA
animals birds Artamidae Cracticus torquatus grey butcherbird C QA
animals birds Artamidae Gymnorhina tibicen Australian magpie C QAI
animals birds Artamidae Strepera graculina pied currawong C QA
animals birds Artamidae Strepera graculina graculina pied currawong (eastern Australia) C QA
animals birds Oriolidae Oriolus sagittatus olive-backed oriole C QAI
animals birds Oriolidae Sphecotheres vieilloti Australasian figbird C QAI
animals birds Falcunculidae Falcunculus frontatus crested shrike-tit C QA
animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla harmonica grey shrike-thrush C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Colluricincla megarhyncha little shrike-thrush C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala pectoralis golden whistler C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala pectoralis youngi golden whistler (south-eastern Australia) C QAI
animals birds Pachycephalidae Pachycephala rufiventris rufous whistler C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina novaehollandiae black-faced cuckoo-shrike C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Coracina papuensis white-bellied cuckoo-shrike C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Edolisoma tenuirostre common cicadabird C QAI
animals birds Campephagidae Lalage leucomela varied triller C QAI
animals birds Neosittidae Daphoenositta chrysoptera varied sittella C QAI
animals birds Psophodidae Psophodes olivaceus eastern whipbird C QA
animals birds Pomatostomidae Pomatostomus temporalis grey-crowned babbler C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Acanthagenys rufogularis spiny-cheeked honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris eastern spinebill C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Caligavis chrysops yellow-faced honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Entomyzon cyanotis blue-faced honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Lichmera indistincta brown honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Manorina melanocephala noisy miner C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Manorina melanophrys bell miner C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Meliphaga lewinii Lewin's honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus albogularis white-throated honeyeater C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Melithreptus lunatus white-naped honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Myzomela sanguinolenta scarlet honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Nesoptilotis leucotis white-eared honeyeater C QA
animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon citreogularis little friarbird C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Philemon corniculatus noisy friarbird C QAI
animals birds Meliphagidae Plectorhyncha lanceolata striped honeyeater C QA
animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus punctatus spotted pardalote C QA
animals birds Pardalotidae Pardalotus striatus striated pardalote C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza chrysorrhoa yellow-rumped thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza lineata striated thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza nana yellow thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza pusilla brown thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Acanthiza reguloides buff-rumped thornbill C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone mouki brown gerygone C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Gerygone olivacea white-throated gerygone C QAI
animals birds Acanthizidae Pyrrholaemus sagittatus speckled warbler C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis citreogularis yellow-throated scrubwren C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis frontalis white-browed scrubwren C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Sericornis magnirostra large-billed scrubwren C QA
animals birds Acanthizidae Smicrornis brevirostris weebill C QA
animals birds Maluridae Malurus cyaneus superb fairy-wren C QA
animals birds Maluridae Malurus lamberti variegated fairy-wren C QA
animals birds Maluridae Malurus melanocephalus red-backed fairy-wren C QA
animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Ailuroedus crassirostris green catbird C QA
animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Ptilonorhynchus violaceus satin bowerbird C QA
animals birds Ptilonorhynchidae Sericulus chrysocephalus regent bowerbird C QA
animals birds Climacteridae Climacteris picumnus brown treecreeper C QA
animals birds Climacteridae Cormobates leucophaea white-throated treecreeper C QA
animals birds Climacteridae Cormobates leucophaea metastasis white-throated treecreeper (southern) C QA
animals birds Pittidae Pitta versicolor noisy pitta C QAI
animals birds Coraciidae Eurystomus orientalis dollarbird C QAI
animals birds Meropidae Merops ornatus rainbow bee-eater C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Dacelo novaeguineae laughing kookaburra C QA
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus macleayii forest kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus pyrrhopygius red-backed kingfisher C QA
animals birds Alcedinidae Todiramphus sanctus sacred kingfisher C QAI
animals birds Tytonidae Tyto javanica eastern barn owl C QAI
animals birds Tytonidae Tyto novaehollandiae masked owl C QAI
animals birds Tytonidae Tyto tenebricosa tenebricosa sooty owl C QA
animals birds Strigidae Ninox boobook southern boobook C QAI
animals birds Strigidae Ninox connivens barking owl C QAI
animals birds Strigidae Ninox strenua powerful owl V QA
animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis flabelliformis fan-tailed cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Cacomantis variolosus brush cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Centropus phasianinus pheasant coucal C QA
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites basalis Horsfield's bronze-cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites lucidus shining bronze-cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Chalcites minutillus barnardi Eastern little bronze-cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Eudynamys orientalis eastern koel C QAI
animals birds Cuculidae Scythrops novaehollandiae channel-billed cuckoo C QAI
animals birds Psittaculidae Alisterus scapularis Australian king-parrot C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Aprosmictus erythropterus red-winged parrot C QAI
animals birds Psittaculidae Parvipsitta pusilla little lorikeet C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Platycercus adscitus pale-headed rosella C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Platycercus eximius eastern rosella C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Psephotus haematonotus red-rumped parrot C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus scaly-breasted lorikeet C QA
animals birds Psittaculidae Trichoglossus moluccanus rainbow lorikeet C QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Cacatua galerita sulphur-crested cockatoo C QAI
animals birds Cacatuidae Eolophus roseicapilla galah C QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Nymphicus hollandicus cockatiel C QA
animals birds Cacatuidae Zanda funerea yellow-tailed black-cockatoo C QA
animals birds Turnicidae Turnix melanogaster black-breasted button-quail V V QA
animals birds Turnicidae Turnix varius painted button-quail C QA
animals birds Charadriidae Elseyornis melanops black-fronted dotterel C QAI I
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles masked lapwing C QAI
animals birds Charadriidae Vanellus miles novaehollandiae masked lapwing (southern subspecies) C QAI
animals birds Rallidae Gallinula tenebrosa dusky moorhen C QAI I
animals birds Rallidae Porphyrio melanotus purple swamphen C QAI
animals birds Falconidae Falco berigora brown falcon C QAI
animals birds Falconidae Falco cenchroides nankeen kestrel C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter cirrocephalus collared sparrowhawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter fasciatus brown goshawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Accipiter novaehollandiae grey goshawk C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Aquila audax wedge-tailed eagle C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Aviceda subcristata Pacific baza C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Circus approximans swamp harrier C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Elanus axillaris black-shouldered kite C QAI
animals birds Accipitridae Hieraaetus morphnoides little eagle C QAI
animals birds Threskiornithidae Platalea flavipes yellow-billed spoonbill C QA I
animals birds Threskiornithidae Platalea regia royal spoonbill C QAI I
animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis molucca Australian white ibis C QAI
animals birds Threskiornithidae Threskiornis spinicollis straw-necked ibis C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea alba modesta eastern great egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea intermedia intermediate egret C QAI I
animals birds Ardeidae Ardea pacifica white-necked heron C QA I
animals birds Ardeidae Egretta novaehollandiae white-faced heron C QAI
animals birds Ardeidae Nycticorax caledonicus nankeen night-heron C QAI I
animals birds Phalacrocoracidae Microcarbo melanoleucos little pied cormorant C QAI I
animals birds Apodidae Hirundapus caudacutus white-throated needletail V V QAI
animals birds Aegothelidae Aegotheles cristatus Australian owlet-nightjar C QAI
animals birds Eurostopodidae Eurostopodus mystacalis white-throated nightjar C QAI
animals birds Podargidae Podargus strigoides tawny frogmouth C QA
animals birds Columbidae Chalcophaps longirostris Pacific emerald dove C QA
animals birds Columbidae Columba leucomela white-headed pigeon C QA
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia humeralis bar-shouldered dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Geopelia placida peaceful dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Leucosarcia melanoleuca wonga pigeon C QA
animals birds Columbidae Lopholaimus antarcticus topknot pigeon C QA
animals birds Columbidae Macropygia phasianella brown cuckoo-dove C QAI
animals birds Columbidae Ocyphaps lophotes crested pigeon C QA
animals birds Columbidae Ptilinopus magnificus wompoo fruit-dove C QAI
animals birds Podicipedidae Tachybaptus novaehollandiae Australasian grebe C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Anas superciliosa Pacific black duck C QAI I
animals birds Anatidae Chenonetta jubata Australian wood duck C QA
animals birds Anatidae Dendrocygna eytoni plumed whistling-duck C QA
animals birds Phasianidae Synoicus ypsilophorus brown quail C QAI
animals birds Megapodiidae Alectura lathami Australian brush-turkey C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Cryptophis nigrescens eastern small-eyed snake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Demansia psammophis yellow-faced whipsnake C QA
animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudechis porphyriacus red-bellied black snake C QA I
animals reptiles Elapidae Pseudonaja textilis eastern brown snake C QAI
animals reptiles Colubridae Dendrelaphis punctulatus green tree snake C QAI
animals reptiles Boidae Morelia spilota carpet python C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Anomalopus verreauxii three-clawed worm-skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Calyptotis scutirostrum scute-snouted calyptotis C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Carlia pectoralis sensu lato Superseded C Q
animals reptiles Scincidae Concinnia martini dark bar-sided skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Cryptoblepharus pulcher pulcher elegant snake-eyed skink C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Lampropholis sp. C QA
animals reptiles Scincidae Lygisaurus foliorum tree-base litter-skink C QA
animals reptiles Varanidae Varanus varius lace monitor C QA
animals reptiles Agamidae Diporiphora australis tommy roundhead C QA
animals reptiles Agamidae Intellagama lesueurii eastern water dragon C QA I
animals reptiles Pygopodidae Delma torquata collared delma V V Q
animals reptiles Diplodactylidae Amalosia robusta robust velvet gecko C QA
animals reptiles Gekkonidae Gehyra dubia dubious dtella C QA
animals reptiles Chelidae Chelodina longicollis eastern snake-necked turtle C QA I
animals amphibians Bufonidae Rhinella marina cane toad II
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria balatus slender bleating treefrog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria brevipalmata green thighed frog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria caerulea common green treefrog C QAI
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria chloris orange eyed treefrog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria fallax eastern sedgefrog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria gracilenta graceful treefrog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria latopalmata broad palmed rocketfrog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria nasuta striped rocketfrog C QAI I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria peronii emerald spotted treefrog C QA
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria rubella ruddy treefrog C QAI
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria verreauxii whistling treefrog C QA I
animals amphibians Hylidae Litoria wilcoxii eastern stony creek frog C QA
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Crinia parinsignifera beeping froglet C QA
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Crinia signifera clicking froglet C QA I
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Mixophyes fasciolatus great barred frog C QA
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Pseudophryne major great brown broodfrog C QA
animals amphibians Myobatrachidae Uperoleia rugosa chubby gungan C QA
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes peronii striped marshfrog C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes tasmaniensis spotted grassfrog C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Limnodynastes terraereginae scarlet sided pobblebonk C QA I
animals amphibians Limnodynastidae Platyplectrum ornatum ornate burrowing frog C QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris compressa empire gudgeon QAI I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris galii firetail gudgeon QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Eleotridae Hypseleotris klunzingeri western carp gudgeon QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Terapontidae Leiopotherapon unicolor spangled perch QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Percichthyidae Macquaria ambigua golden perch QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Percichthyidae Macquaria novemaculeata Australian bass QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Ambassidae Ambassis agassizii Agassiz's glassfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki mosquitofish II I
animals ray-finned fishes Melanotaeniidae Melanotaenia duboulayi crimsonspotted rainbowfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Plotosidae Tandanus tandanus freshwater catfish QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Clupeidae Nematalosa erebi bony bream QA I
animals ray-finned fishes Anguillidae Anguilla reinhardtii longfin eel QAI I
fungi Agaricomycetes Auriculariaceae Auricularia cornea C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Cortinariaceae Gymnopilus U
fungi Agaricomycetes Ganodermataceae Ganoderma U
fungi Agaricomycetes Ganodermataceae Ganoderma australe C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Geastraceae Geastrum C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Gloeophyllaceae Gloeophyllum C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Hymenochaetaceae Fomitiporia robusta C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Hymenochaetaceae Fuscoporia senex C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Hymenochaetaceae Phellinus QAI
fungi Agaricomycetes Hymenochaetaceae Phellinus badius C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Marasmiaceae Marasmius elegans C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Peniophoraceae Peniophora XU
fungi Agaricomycetes Phanerochaetaceae Oxychaete cervinogilva C QAI
fungi Agaricomycetes Pleurotaceae Pleurotus tuber-regium C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Podoscyphaceae Podoscypha involuta C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Earliella scabrosa C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Lenzites acuta C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Nigroporus vinosus C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Panus fasciatus C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Panus fulvus C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Poria XU
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Pycnoporus cinnabarinus C QAI
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Trametes QAI
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Trametes elegans C QAI
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Trametes hirsuta C QAI
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Trametes lactinea C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Trametes ochracea C Q
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Trametes versicolor C QAI
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Trichaptum biforme C QA
fungi Agaricomycetes Polyporaceae Tyromyces U
fungi Agaricomycetes Schizophyllaceae Schizophyllum commune C QAI
fungi Agaricomycetes Schizoporaceae Hyphodontia flavipora C Q
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Dirinaria applanata C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Caliciaceae Dirinaria consimilis C Q
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Canoparmelia texana C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Notoparmelia erumpens C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Parmotrema austrosinense C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Punctelia borreri C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Usnea molliuscula subsp. queenslandica C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Parmeliaceae Usnea scabrida subsp. elegans C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Physciaceae Heterodermia speciosa C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Physciaceae Hyperphyscia adglutinata C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina celastri subsp. celastri C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina inflata subsp. inflata C QA
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina peruviana C QAI
fungi lecanoromycetes Ramalinaceae Ramalina subfraxinea C QAI
fungi sordariomycetes Xylariaceae Penzigia compuncta C Q
plants land plants Acanthaceae Hypoestes floribunda C QAI
plants land plants Acanthaceae Pseuderanthemum variabile pastel flower C QAI
plants land plants Aizoaceae Tetragonia tetragonoides New Zealand spinach C QAI
plants land plants Amaranthaceae Deeringia amaranthoides redberry C QAI
plants land plants Anacardiaceae Rhodosphaera rhodanthema tulip satinwood C QA
plants land plants Annonaceae Melodorum leichhardtii C QAI
plants land plants Apiaceae Eryngium expansum Queensland eryngo C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Alstonia constricta bitterbark C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Alyxia ruscifolia C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Araujia sericifera white moth vine IU
plants land plants Apocynaceae Carissa ovata currantbush C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Gymnema pleiadenium C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Leichhardtia lloydii C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Leichhardtia micradenia C Q
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia leichhardtii black silkpod C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia longipetiolata C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia paulforsteri C Q
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia straminea monkey rope C QA
plants land plants Apocynaceae Parsonsia velutina hairy silkpod C QAI
plants land plants Araucariaceae Araucaria bidwillii bunya pine C QA
plants land plants Araucariaceae Araucaria cunninghamii hoop pine C Q
plants land plants Aspleniaceae Asplenium attenuatum walking fern C Q
plants land plants Asteraceae Baccharis halimifolia groundsel bush IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Carduus thoermeri nodding thistle IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Centipeda minima C Q
plants land plants Asteraceae Cotula australis common cotula C QAI
plants land plants Asteraceae Eclipta platyglossa subsp. platyglossa C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Gamochaeta purpurea IU
plants land plants Asteraceae Olearia fulgens C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Picris angustifolia subsp. carolorum-henricorum C QA
plants land plants Asteraceae Picris conyzoides V Q
plants land plants Asteraceae Vittadinia sulcata native daisy C QA
plants land plants Bignoniaceae Pandorea jasminoides C Q
plants land plants Bignoniaceae Pandorea pandorana wonga vine C QAI
plants land plants Bignoniaceae Tecoma stans tecoma IU
plants land plants Blechnaceae Blechnum neohollandicum C QA
plants land plants Boraginaceae Ehretia acuminata C Q
plants land plants Boraginaceae Ehretia membranifolia weeping koda C QA
plants land plants Braithwaiteaceae Braithwaitea sulcata C QA
plants land plants Bryaceae Rosulabryum billarderii C QAI
plants land plants Cactaceae Opuntia tomentosa velvety tree pear IU
plants land plants Cannabaceae Aphananthe philippinensis C QAI
plants land plants Cannabaceae Trema tomentosa C QAI
plants land plants Capparaceae Capparis arborea brush caper berry C QA
plants land plants Capparaceae Capparis sarmentosa scrambling caper C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Celastrus subspicata large-leaved staffvine C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Denhamia bilocularis C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Denhamia disperma C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Denhamia pittosporoides subsp. pittosporoides C Q
plants land plants Celastraceae Elaeodendron australe var. integrifolium C QA
plants land plants Celastraceae Siphonodon australis ivorywood C QA
plants land plants Ceratophyllaceae Ceratophyllum demersum hornwort C QAI I
plants land plants Chenopodiaceae Einadia hastata C QA
plants land plants Commelinaceae Aneilema sp. (Tower LA P.I.Forster+ PIF14846) Superseded XU
plants land plants Cucurbitaceae Diplocyclos palmatus subsp. palmatus C QAI
plants land plants Cupressaceae Callitris baileyi Bailey's cypress NT QA
plants land plants Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus fluviatilis C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Carex fascicularis tassel sedge C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Cyperus exaltatus tall flatsedge C QAI I
plants land plants Cyperaceae Gahnia aspera C QAI
plants land plants Cyperaceae Lepidosperma laterale C QA
plants land plants Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani C QAI I
plants land plants Dicranaceae Sclerodontium pallidum C QA
plants land plants Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea transversa native yam C QAI
plants land plants Ebenaceae Diospyros geminata scaly ebony C QI
plants land plants Ebenaceae Diospyros pentamera myrtle ebony C QA
plants land plants Ericaceae Styphelia trichostyla C QA
plants land plants Erythroxylaceae Erythroxylum sp. (Splityard Creek L.Pedley 5360) C Q
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Acalypha capillipes small-leaved acalypha C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Acalypha nemorum hairy acalypha C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Alchornea ilicifolia native holly C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Baloghia inophylla scrub bloodwood C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Claoxylon australe brittlewood C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Croton insularis Queensland cascarilla C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia prostrata IU
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia tannensis subsp. eremophila C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Excoecaria dallachyana scrub poison tree C QA
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Mallotus claoxyloides green kamala C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Mallotus philippensis red kamala C QAI
plants land plants Euphorbiaceae Tragia novae-hollandiae stinging-vine C QA
plants land plants Gentianaceae Centaurium tenuiflorum IU
plants land plants Haloragaceae Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina V V QA
plants land plants Hemerocallidaceae Dianella QAI
plants land plants Hemerocallidaceae Geitonoplesium cymosum scrambling lily C QAI
plants land plants Juncaceae Juncus continuus C QA I
plants land plants Juncaceae Juncus usitatus C QAI I
plants land plants Lamiaceae Clerodendrum floribundum C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Salvia coccinea red salvia IU
plants land plants Lamiaceae Salvia plebeia common sage C QAI
plants land plants Lamiaceae Teucrium junceum C QA
plants land plants Lamiaceae Vitex lignum-vitae C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Cryptocarya bidwillii yellow laurel C QA
plants land plants Lauraceae Cryptocarya sclerophylla totempole C Q
plants land plants Lauraceae Cryptocarya triplinervis C QI
plants land plants Lauraceae Neolitsea dealbata white bolly gum C QAI
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Cordyline petiolaris large-leaved palm lily C QA
plants land plants Laxmanniaceae Eustrephus latifolius wombat berry C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia adsurgens C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia aulacocarpa C QA
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia blakei subsp. blakei C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Acacia neriifolia pechey wattle C QAI
plants land plants Leguminosae Austrosteenisia blackii bloodvine C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Glycine sp. (Laglan Station L.S.Smith 10302) C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Hovea tholiformis C Q
plants land plants Leguminosae Solori involuta C QA
plants land plants Lembophyllaceae Camptochaete curvata C Q
plants land plants Leptodontaceae Forsstroemia producta C Q
plants land plants Loganiaceae Strychnos psilosperma strychnine tree C QAI
plants land plants Loranthaceae Amyema U
plants land plants Loranthaceae Benthamina alyxifolia C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Abutilon oxycarpum var. oxycarpum C QA
plants land plants Malvaceae Malvastrum americanum var. stellatum C QA
plants land plants Meliaceae Owenia venosa crow's apple C Q
plants land plants Meliaceae Toona ciliata red cedar C QAI
plants land plants Menispermaceae Legnephora moorei C QAI
plants land plants Menispermaceae Tinospora smilacina snakevine C QA
plants land plants Meteoriaceae Papillaria crocea C QAI
plants land plants Meteoriaceae Papillaria leuconeura C QA
plants land plants Meteoriaceae Papillaria zeloflexicaulis C QA
plants land plants Moraceae Maclura cochinchinensis cockspur thorn C QAI
plants land plants Moraceae Malaisia scandens C Q
plants land plants Moraceae Streblus brunonianus whalebone tree C QAI
plants land plants Myrsinaceae Lysimachia arvensis IU
plants land plants Myrsinaceae Myrsine variabilis C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Eucalyptus eugenioides C QA
plants land plants Myrtaceae Gossia bidwillii C QA
plants land plants Oleaceae Jasminum didymum C QAI
plants land plants Oleaceae Jasminum didymum subsp. racemosum C QA
plants land plants Oleaceae Jasminum simplicifolium subsp. australiense C QAI
plants land plants Oleaceae Ligustrum lucidum large-leaved privet IU
plants land plants Oleaceae Notelaea microcarpa C QA
plants land plants Oleaceae Olea paniculata C QAI
plants land plants Onagraceae Epilobium billardierianum subsp. cinereum C QAI
plants land plants Orchidaceae Dendrobium gracilicaule slender orchid SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Dendrobium speciosum SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Dockrillia schoenina pencil orchid SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Dockrillia teretifolia rat's tail orchid SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Plectorrhiza tridentata tangle orchid SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Pterostylis erecta SL Q
plants land plants Orchidaceae Rhinerrhiza divitiflora SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Sarcochilus falcatus orange blossom orchid SL QA
plants land plants Orchidaceae Sarcochilus hillii SL Q
plants land plants Orchidaceae Sarcochilus weinthalii blotched sarcochilus E V Q
plants land plants Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium U
plants land plants Orthotrichaceae Macromitrium involutifolium subsp. involutifolium C Q
plants land plants Oxalidaceae Oxalis chnoodes C Q
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora aurantia var. pubescens C Q
plants land plants Passifloraceae Passiflora herbertiana subsp. herbertiana native passionfruit C QA
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Actephila mooreana C QA
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Breynia oblongifolia C QAI
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Bridelia exaltata C QA
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Bridelia leichhardtii C Q
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Cleistanthus cunninghamii omega C QA
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus gunnii C QA
plants land plants Phyllanthaceae Phyllanthus subcrenulatus C QA
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Auranticarpa rhombifolia C QA
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Billardiera rubens C QA
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Pittosporum revolutum yellow pittosporum C QA
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Pittosporum spinescens C QAI
plants land plants Pittosporaceae Pittosporum viscidum black-fruited thornbush C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Paspalidium criniforme C QA
plants land plants Poaceae Sporobolus natalensis IU
plants land plants Poaceae Urochloa decumbens IU
plants land plants Polypodiaceae Pyrrosia confluens SL QA
plants land plants Polypodiaceae Pyrrosia rupestris rock felt fern SL QAI
plants land plants Porellaceae Porella crawfordii C QA
plants land plants Proteaceae Grevillea robusta C QA
plants land plants Pteridaceae Pellaea nana SL QA
plants land plants Ptychomniaceae Garovaglia U
plants land plants Putranjivaceae Drypetes deplanchei grey boxwood C QAI
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Alphitonia excelsa soap tree C QAI
plants land plants Rhamnaceae Pomaderris queenslandica C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Everistia vacciniifolia var. nervosa C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Pavetta australiensis C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Pavetta australiensis var. australiensis C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psychotria daphnoides C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psydrax lamprophylla C QA
plants land plants Rubiaceae Psydrax odorata forma australiana C Q
plants land plants Rubiaceae Triflorensia cameronii C Q
plants land plants Rutaceae Acronychia laevis glossy acronychia C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Boronia glabra C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Citrus australis C Q
plants land plants Rutaceae Clausena brevistyla clausena C QI
plants land plants Rutaceae Coatesia paniculata C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Dinosperma erythrococcum C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Flindersia australis crow's ash C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Flindersia collina broad-leaved leopard tree C Q
plants land plants Rutaceae Flindersia xanthoxyla yellow-wood C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Geijera salicifolia brush wilga C QAI
plants land plants Rutaceae Melicope micrococca white evodia C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Sarcomelicope simplicifolia subsp. simplicifolia yellow aspen C QA
plants land plants Rutaceae Zanthoxylum brachyacanthum C QAI
plants land plants Salicaceae Casearia multinervosa casearia C QA
plants land plants Salicaceae Homalium alnifolium homalium C Q
plants land plants Salicaceae Xylosma terrae-reginae xylosma C QA
plants land plants Santalaceae Exocarpos latifolius C QAI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Alectryon connatus grey birds-eye C QI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Alectryon tomentosus C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Arytera foveolata pitted coogera C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Atalaya salicifolia C QAI
plants land plants Sapindaceae Cupaniopsis parvifolia small-leaved tuckeroo C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Dodonaea triangularis C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Elattostachys xylocarpa white tamarind C QA
plants land plants Sapindaceae Jagera pseudorhus C Q
plants land plants Sapindaceae Jagera pseudorhus var. pseudorhus C QAI
plants land plants Sapotaceae Planchonella cotinifolia C Q
plants land plants Sapotaceae Planchonella cotinifolia var. cotinifolia C Q
plants land plants Sapotaceae Planchonella cotinifolia var. pubescens C QA
plants land plants Sapotaceae Planchonella pohlmaniana C QA
plants land plants Smilacaceae Smilax australis barbed-wire vine C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Duboisia leichhardtii C Q
plants land plants Solanaceae Nicotiana forsteri C QAI
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum aviculare kangaroo apple C QAI
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum corifolium straggling nightshade C Q
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum nemophilum C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum rixosum C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum seaforthianum Brazilian nightshade IU
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum stelligerum devil's needles C QA
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum stupefactum C Q
plants land plants Solanaceae Solanum tetrathecum C Q
plants land plants Sterculiaceae Argyrodendron trifoliolatum booyong C QAI
plants land plants Sterculiaceae Brachychiton discolor SL QA
plants land plants Thuidiaceae Thuidium QAI
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Phaleria chermsideana scrub daphne C QA
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Pimelea altior C QA
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Pimelea mollis C Q
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Pimelea neoanglica poison pimelea C QA
plants land plants Thymelaeaceae Wikstroemia indica tie bush C QAI
plants land plants Urticaceae Dendrocnide excelsa giant stinging tree C QA
plants land plants Urticaceae Dendrocnide photiniphylla shiny-leaved stinging tree C QAI
plants land plants Urticaceae Parietaria debilis native pellitory C QAI
plants land plants Verbenaceae Lantana camara lantana IU
plants land plants Verbenaceae Verbena litoralis var. litoralis IU
plants land plants Vitaceae Apocissus antarctica C QA
plants land plants Vitaceae Cayratia acris hairy grape C QAI
plants land plants Vitaceae Tetrastigma nitens shining grape C QA

Note: Wildlife statistics are based on information that has been submitted to the DETSI WildNet database and converted to a 10km² grid. The grid information has been intersected with the mapping polygons to determine the species lists. Click here to view the species grid metadata.

Information from WildNet can also be accessed via Wildlife Online and WetlandMaps.

Rare or threatened includes species listed as extinct, extinct in the wild, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable or conservation dependent under either the Nature Conservation Act or Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

Disclaimer: While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the Queensland Government and Australian Government make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which might be incurred as a consequence of reliance on the product, or as a result of the product being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.


Nature Conservation Act
NCA - Status under the Nature Conservation Act 1992
EX : Extinct
PE : Extinct in the wild
CR : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
NT : Near threatened
C : Least concern
SL : Special least concern
I : International
P : Prohibited
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act
EPBC - Status under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
EX : Extinct
XW : Extinct in the wild
CE : Critically endangered
E : Endangered
V : Vulnerable
CD : Conservation dependent
End. - Endemicity
Q : Queensland endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland
QA : Intranational - naturally occurs in Queensland and interstate
QAI : Not endemic to Australia - naturally occurs in Queensland, interstate and overseas
QI : Regional endemic - naturally occurs in Queensland and overseas
VA : Vagrant (Intranational) - normally occurs interstate
VI : Vagrant (International) - normally occurs overseas
VU : Vagrant (Unknown)
IA : Introduced (Intranational) - naturalised from interstate
II : Introduced (International) - naturalised from overseas
IU : Introduced - unknown origin
U : Unknown endemicity - native
Wetland Status
I : Wetland indicator species

This page should be cited as:

Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, Queensland (2013) Wildlife of Pidna National Park, WetlandInfo website, accessed 3 January 2025. Available at:

Queensland Government
WetlandInfo   —   Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation